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   5 Rules for difficulty factor 
   3 ;"                         "
   2 ;"                                ":
   1 ride of the valkyries
   1 map       @
   1 legion    
   1 instruct  
   1 etc. ) can only move one square at a time, the emperor's legion ( 
   1 etc. ) While in this state they are immobile and are returned   to the emperor's service only byconquering them with a loyal    legion with a greater than or   equal combat record."
   1 Rules for advanced game
   1 Press any key to continue"
   1 Introduction"
   1 Duncan Nightingale
   1 Conquest Side 1 - Rules
   1 Cheetahsoft
   1 ;"Start main program tape then    press any key.":
   1 ;"Press 'R' to repeat instructions      'L' to load main program        'C' to continue (onto next          set of instructions)."
   1 ;"CHEETAH";
   1 ;" You now know all the rules to  play at difficulty factor 1."
   1 ;" You now know all the rules to  play at D.F.3 ."
   1 ;" You now know all the rules of             CONQUEST"
   1 ;" You now know all the rules     required to play the basic game."
   1 ;" You now know all the rules     required to play at D.F.4 "
   1 ;" You now know all the rules     required to play at D.F.2 ."
   1 ;" Whenever a legion ends it's    movement on a port square, it   embarks on a ship (same symbol  as a port but in the colours of the legion)."
   1 ;" When this happens, the rebel   commander is executed and the   legion becomes mobile again witha zero combat record. Should a  rebel legion be tackled by a    loyal, weaker one, however, the loyal legion is destroyed and   must be reformed on the capital.This is the only case when a    legion is completely lost."
   1 ;" When they come into contact    with an un-garrisoned border    square of your empire, they may conquer it. Such an occurance isillustrated on the next page."
   1 ;" When civil war breaks out,     approximately 50% of the legionswill go over to the rebel cause and become coloured green. ( 
   1 ;" When a general is killed, thereis no adverse effect apart from the legion's combat record beingreduced to zero ( a less exper- ienced officer takes command ). Should the emperor be killed,   however, the most experienced ofhis generals will declare him-  self the new emperor. This will usually be contested by some of the other generals, resulting   in a civil war."
   1 ;" When 5 additional squares have been conquered, an extra legion is formed on the capital. It is commanded by 1 of the emperor's generals and is coloured black : 
   1 ;" Upon successfully completing a game at D.F.5 you will be given the option to continue indefin- ately - the advanced game."
   1 ;" This has un-limited movement   while remaining on open sea     squares. Sea movement is ended  by dis-embarking onto a land    square. If this square also     contains a port, sea movement   may continue."
   1 ;" This 1st legion is commanded   by the emperor and is coloured  purple : 
   1 ;" These attacks occur more frequ-ently as the game goes on. Note that, like legionary movement,  they cannot attack diagonally."
   1 ;" There is a maximum of sixteen  legions. Taxes gained above 75  do not yield extra legions."
   1 ;" There are two types of square :land and sea. A land square is  one with some amount of green   in it and onto which movement   is allowed; a sea square is tot-ally blue and no movement is    allowed onto or across it."
   1 ;" There are facilities in the    game for gridding the map and   displaying sea squares, to aid  this movement."
   1 ;" The object of the game is to   conquer 100 squares as quickly  as possible. A skill factor is  calculated according to speed   of completion, difficulty factorplayed at and ease of starting  position."
   1 ;" The no. of taxes displayed at  the beginning of each year is   the amount available for troops,after port and fort maintainancehas been deducted."
   1 ;" The game commences by choosing a site for a capital. This may  be on any land square and is    coloured black."
   1 ;" The emperor's combat record    can, of course, exceed 10 with- out triggering a civil war."
   1 ;" The capital on its own can     support one army, or legion,    which may be moved about using  the four cursor keys: 5,6,7 & 8"
   1 ;" Rival empires cannot conquer   territories that are garrisoned by loyal legions or forts. They may, however, conquer those occ-upied by rebel legions, or any  fort, during a civil war. In    this respect they are more      potent than barbarian counter   attacks."
   1 ;" Rebel legions, if immobilised  on the border, still serve to   deter barbarian counter attacks."
   1 ;" Ports may be built by any      legion in a similar manner to   forts by keying 'P'."
   1 ;" Playing at D.F.2 should have   taught you to 'retire' the      generals when their combat      records reach 9 and to use the  emperor sparingly, so as not to trigger a civil war."
   1 ;" Plagues can now occur. They    break out approximately every 10years and wipe out everything intheir path until they have run  their course. Legions caught by plague are eliminated and re-   formed on the capital. This is  the only other way in which a   legion can be totally destroyed."
   1 ;" On D.F.2 , some of the hazards of war are added. The legions   are still all-powerful, but it  is now possible for their       commanders to fall in battle    ( 10% chance for each conquest)."
   1 ;" It is recommended that at leastone game is played at each diff-iculty factor before moving on  to the next. Do not judge the   game prematurely on the first   few difficulty factors, which   are designed primarily to famil-iarize you with the rules."
   1 ;" It is important to note that   while the normal legions ( 
   1 ;" If a fort is captured by a     rival empire, it's background   colour is changed accordingly."
   1 ;" Having successfully completed  the game on D.F.1 , you should  have realised the importance of a centrally located capital, of stationing a line of legions    along the border and of incorp- orating natural features ( such as open sea and edge-of-the-    board squares ) into your       empire's boundaries."
   1 ;" Having mastered everything the barbarians could throw at you,  there are now rival empires to  contend with. There are a max-  imum of three of these, colouredmagenta, yellow and cyan. They  first appear some years after   the founding of your capital andstart to expand at the expense  of the barbarians."
   1 ;" Forts may be built at D.F.4 by keying 'F' instead of a legion'smovement. The fort is built on  the legion's present position.  This adds one to the legion's   combat record and can trigger   civil wars as before."
   1 ;" Conquests of green squares are always successful but barbarian counter-attacks can occur on    border squares not garrisoned bya legion. These take the form   shown on the next page."
   1 ;" Conquest is a complex game withmany rules. In order to facil-  itate their introduction, the   game is split into several diff-iculty factors. Each one introd-uces some new rules and requiresmore skill to play."
   1 ;" Combat records showing the     number of successful conquests  for each legion commander can   be displayed at the beginning ofeach go before any movement has taken place, by keying 'R' ."
   1 ;" Civil wars may also break out  if one of the generals survives 10 campaigns and decides he is  experienced enough to challenge for the purple. This event does not require the death of the    emperor. A constant check must  be made, therefore, on the      combat records of the various   commanders."
   1 ;" Canals may be cut inland by    building lines of ports next to one another. A port may be builton any land square; it is up to you to ensure that you have     access to an open sea square."
   1 ;" An additional cause of civil   wars is now added in the form   of assassinations. These will   occur whenever an emperor has   reigned for more than a few     years, causing his authority to become unpopular."
   1 ;" All the rules up to D.F.5 hold.In addition, sea ports can be   built. These enable rapid trans-portation of all legions by sea,to enable quick reaction to the effects of plague and civil war in an ever-enlarging empire."
   1 ;" All legions can be instructed  to hold position by keying '0'  instead of one of the cursor    keys (5,6,7 or 8)."
   1 ;" After several years, then, an  empire might be of the form     shown on the next page. Seven-  teen territories have been      conquered, enabling, with the   capital, a total of 4 legions   to be supported."
   1 ;" A maximum of 20 ports may be   built, but for each one ten     taxes are deducted. Extra forts,up to a maximum of 50, may also be built, each costing 2 taxes. Remember that to support the    full complement of 16 legions,  75 taxes are needed (the capitalsupports one on its own)."
   1 ;" A maximum of 10 forts may be   built in the basic game."
   1 ;" A map of the Mediterranean     world is shown on the next page.It is divided into a grid of    20x30 squares or territories as shown."
   1 ;"              "
   1 ;"                                "
   1 +CotL-DS from orig. tape
   1 "    Duncan Nightingale 1984"
   1 "         Instructions"
   1 "          Written by":
   1 "           CONQUEST"
   1 "              to":
   1  . For every 5 squares in the empire, a legion can be support-ed. If territories are lost,    then legions may be also - if   there are no longer sufficient  taxes to support them."
   1  . As it moves into   green squares, it conquers,     colouring them red."
   1  - Symbol for a port"
   1  - Symbol for a fort"
   1  ) has unlimited movement    within the empire. As soon as   the emperor conquers a green    square, his movement ends.";